
797科技网 0 2024-08-24 09:43


Salesforce是创建于1999年3月的一家客户关系管理(CRM) 软件服务提供商,总部设于美国旧金山,可提供随需应用的客户关系管理平台。



我们美国的销售团队大概从08年自己与salesforce合作,我们当时不主张。但是他们不仅是没有停下来,而且欧洲、亚太都用了salesforce系统。所以我就潜下心来和我的团队做了一个认真的分析,为什么销售团队愿意用salesforce? 到了2011年左右,我们在研究这个东西的时发现,salesforce系统不仅仅是对中小企业有价值,对大企业也非常有价值。原因是这样的,因为SAP的特点就是集成、精准。也就是说每一个管理都是环环相扣,它能够一直追踪到每一单交易和处理,这个交易不只是钱的交易,是包含每一个系统的作业的交易。这样就导致,特别是对销售团队,他觉得SAP不好用,不够友好,用起来太麻烦。我们再看salesforce,对大企业来讲,就做的商机管理到寻价之前的那部分,商机只有一部分的比例,或者少于50%的比例会落到订单这部分,有了订单之后才会有合同,才会有交易的执行,而这个过程中不需要100%的精准。另外因为要精准,让客户做很多事,而且响应也不及时。所以理解了为什么销售团队喜欢salesforce。进一步再去研究发现,还有一个好处,因为salesforce是云计算的,也就是说它会随着我们的业务规模,因为我们按人、按使用模块来收钱,这样的话它是变动的成本,是非常灵活的,所以这样也非常有竞争力。所以我们现在除了中国区以外,因为salesforce在中国这块可能还不太被销售人员认可,因为中国区我们有自己的客制化的系统。除中国以外,从亚太到欧洲到美国,他们销售人员都用salesforce,所以我们也做了SAP和CRM系统的集成。

三、Salesforce CRM: Transforming Higher Education for Success

The Role of Salesforce CRM in Higher Education

Salesforce CRM has emerged as a powerful tool in revolutionizing how higher education institutions operate. With its robust capabilities and comprehensive suite of features, Salesforce CRM is helping universities and colleges streamline their processes, enhance student engagement, and achieve their goals in an increasingly competitive landscape.

A Customized Solution for Higher Education

Salesforce CRM offers a tailored solution specifically designed to meet the unique needs and challenges of the higher education sector. Its customizable platform allows institutions to create personalized experiences for students, faculty, staff, and alumni, fostering deeper connections and improving overall satisfaction.

Streamlining Admissions and Enrollment

One of the key benefits of Salesforce CRM for higher education is its ability to streamline the admissions and enrollment process. By automating and centralizing various workflows, institutions can efficiently manage applications, track enrollment data, and provide real-time updates to prospective students. This not only saves time and resources but also improves the overall student experience.

Enhancing Student Engagement and Support

With Salesforce CRM, higher education institutions can strengthen student engagement and support throughout the entire student lifecycle. From personalized communication and academic advising to career services and alumni engagement, Salesforce CRM allows universities to provide a holistic and seamless experience for their students.

Effective Fundraising and Donor Management

For colleges and universities reliant on philanthropic support, Salesforce CRM offers powerful tools for effective fundraising and donor management. Institutions can track donor information, manage campaigns, and personalize outreach to maximize donor engagement and contributions. This helps to establish long-term relationships with supporters and secure vital financial resources for educational initiatives.

Data-driven Insights for Decision Making

Salesforce CRM provides higher education institutions with valuable data-driven insights to inform strategic decision-making. By centralizing data from various sources, institutions gain a comprehensive view of their operations, student outcomes, and institutional effectiveness. This enables proactive planning, targeted interventions, and continuous improvement.


Salesforce CRM is transforming the landscape of higher education by empowering institutions with the tools needed to succeed in a rapidly changing environment. From streamlining admissions and enrollment to enhancing student engagement and support, Salesforce CRM offers a comprehensive solution to help universities and colleges thrive. By leveraging data-driven insights and personalized experiences, institutions can build stronger relationships, improve outcomes, and ultimately shape the future of higher education.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has provided valuable insights into the transformative impact of Salesforce CRM in higher education. By adopting Salesforce CRM, institutions can drive success and create meaningful experiences for students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

四、企业应用首选——salesforce CRM

什么是salesforce CRM?

salesforce CRM是一款为企业提供全方位客户关系管理解决方案的云平台。它基于云计算技术,通过集成不同的业务功能,帮助企业实现销售、营销、客户服务等方面的优化管理。

为什么选择salesforce CRM?

1. 多功能性:salesforce CRM提供了丰富的功能模块,包括客户管理、销售管理、营销管理、客户服务等,满足企业全方位的管理需求。

2. 灵活性:salesforce CRM基于云计算,可以在任何时间、任何地点通过网络访问,便于企业全球范围内的使用和协作。

3. 数据安全性:salesforce CRM通过严格的安全措施保护客户数据的安全,包括数据备份、权限管理等。

4. 可定制性:salesforce CRM提供灵活的定制功能,可以根据企业的特定需求进行个性化配置,满足不同企业的管理要求。

5. 易用性:salesforce CRM提供直观、友好的用户界面,易于上手操作和学习,无需复杂的培训即可上岗。

销售团队如何受益于salesforce CRM?

1. 销售机会管理:salesforce CRM提供了全面的销售机会跟踪和管理功能,帮助销售团队实时掌握潜在客户信息、销售阶段、预测销售额等,提升销售效率。

2. 销售活动协作:salesforce CRM可以实现销售团队之间的协作和沟通,帮助销售人员了解销售目标、交流销售策略,并及时更新销售进展。

3. 数据分析与报告:salesforce CRM可以根据销售数据进行深入分析,生成各类销售报告和图表,帮助销售团队制定更科学的销售策略和决策。

如何实施salesforce CRM?

1. 确定需求:企业应当明确自身的管理需求,确定salesforce CRM的功能模块和定制要求。

2. 配置与集成:企业可以根据自身需求进行salesforce CRM的配置和集成,确保系统能够满足实际运营要求。

3. 培训与推广:企业需要对员工进行相应的salesforce CRM培训,使其熟悉系统操作和相关流程,提升工作效率和质量。

4. 监控与优化:企业应当建立监控机制,及时发现问题并进行优化调整,确保salesforce CRM的持续高效运营。


salesforce CRM是一款功能丰富、灵活易用、安全可靠的企业级客户关系管理解决方案。通过使用salesforce CRM,企业可以提升销售团队的工作效率,实现销售过程的智能化管理,从而获得更多的商业机会和利润。

感谢您阅读本文,希望对您了解salesforce CRM有所帮助。



1. 检查位置服务设置:确保已经启用了位置服务,并且为Salesforce应用程序授权访问位置信息。进入“设置”-“隐私”-“定位服务”,找到Salesforce并选择“始终允许”。

2. 确认网络连接:请确保您的手机处于良好的网络环境中,可以正常连接互联网。

3. 重启设备和应用程序:有时候重新启动设备或者关闭并重新打开Salesforce应用程序可以解决问题。

4. 更新软件版本:检查是否有可供更新的新版本,如果有,请下载安装最新版本以获得更好的性能和稳定性。

5. 联系技术支持人员:如果以上方法都不能解决问题,请联系Salesforce技术支持人员获取帮助。他们将会提供更详细、个性化的指导方案来协助您解决问题。



七、Salesforce Education Cloud: Unlocking Affordable and Accessible Solutions for Educational Institutions

Salesforce Education Cloud has emerged as a game-changer in the education sector, offering a comprehensive suite of cloud-based solutions that cater to the diverse needs of educational institutions. As institutions strive to enhance their digital capabilities and provide seamless experiences for students, faculty, and staff, the Salesforce Education Cloud has become a go-to platform for its scalable and cost-effective pricing models.

Understanding the Salesforce Education Cloud Pricing

The Salesforce Education Cloud pricing structure is designed to be flexible and tailored to the specific requirements of each educational institution. The pricing model is based on a subscription-based approach, allowing institutions to scale their usage and access to the platform's features as their needs evolve.

The Salesforce Education Cloud pricing typically includes the following components:

  • User Licenses: The cost of user licenses varies depending on the type of user (e.g., administrator, faculty, staff, or student) and the specific features and functionalities required.
  • Platform Fees: These fees cover the core Salesforce Education Cloud platform, including the underlying infrastructure, security, and maintenance.
  • Additional Services: Institutions may opt for additional services, such as implementation support, custom development, or ongoing training and support, which are priced separately.

Factors Influencing Salesforce Education Cloud Pricing

Several factors can influence the Salesforce Education Cloud pricing for educational institutions, including:

  • Institution Size: The number of users, students, and faculty within an institution can impact the overall pricing, as larger institutions may benefit from volume discounts.
  • Feature Requirements: The specific features and functionalities required by the institution, such as student information management, admissions, or alumni engagement, can affect the pricing.
  • Implementation Complexity: The level of customization, integration, and deployment complexity can influence the implementation costs and ongoing support requirements.
  • Subscription Term: Longer subscription terms, such as multi-year agreements, may offer more favorable pricing compared to shorter-term commitments.

Maximizing the Value of Salesforce Education Cloud

To ensure that educational institutions derive maximum value from their investment in the Salesforce Education Cloud, it is essential to work closely with Salesforce experts who can help assess the institution's specific needs, recommend the most suitable pricing and deployment options, and provide ongoing support and optimization.

By leveraging the Salesforce Education Cloud's scalable and cost-effective pricing models, educational institutions can unlock a world of possibilities, empowering them to enhance student experiences, streamline administrative processes, and drive digital transformation across their campuses.

Thank you for reading this article on the Salesforce Education Cloud pricing. We hope that this information has provided you with a better understanding of the platform's pricing structure and the factors that can influence it. If you have any further questions or would like to explore how the Salesforce Education Cloud can benefit your educational institution, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team of experts.


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ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源规划)是一种管理信息系统,通过整合多个业务领域的管理信息,帮助企业流程自动化,提高效率和决策速度。以下是常见的ERP主要功能模块:

1. 财务管理:包括会计、成本核算、财务预算、资产管理等方面,用于监视企业财务状况,生成财务报表,支持决策。常见的财务管理是SAP、ORACLE等。

2. 生产与供应链管理:包括物料需求计划、生产计划、采购、库存、销售管理等方面,用于协调供应链各环节的工作流程,降低成本和提高透明度。常见的供应链管理是SAP、ORACLE等。

3. 人力资源管理:包括员工信息管理、招聘、培训、绩效管理、薪酬管理等方面,用于管理公司员工,制定员工发展计划,提高员工绩效并收集数据以支持决策。常见的人力资源管理是SAP、ORACLE等。

4. 客户关系管理:包括市场营销、销售、客户服务等方面,用于管理客户关系,提高客户满意度和忠诚度,支持销售过程自动化。常见的客户关系管理是Salesforce、Microsoft Dynamics等。

5. 项目管理:包括项目计划、任务分配、进度跟踪等方面,用于管理项目全生命周期,增加资源利用率和提高效率。常见的项目管理是JIRA、Microsoft Project等。

6. 数据分析与BI:包括数据仓库、数据挖掘、报表和数据可视化,用于帮助企业收集和分析数据,洞察行业趋势并支持决策。常见的数据分析与BI是Tableau、QlikView等。


十、Salesforce consultant 顾问面试的常见问题都有哪些?应该如何准备面试?






  • 有机会从事更复杂的项目
  • 体验多种Salesforce产品,例如Service Cloud、Analytics、Einstein。
  • 积累多种行业的专业知识。大多数咨询公司都会有重点服务的行业,例如金融服务、房地产、零售等。
  • 越资深的顾问,薪资越高。顾问在项目中不断积累的技术和业务技能,是升职加薪的基础。














此外,顾问也可以关注Salesforce的行业特定产品如何发展,健康云、金融服务云、制造云、消费品云和Salesforce Industries的解决方案。这些都会帮助你走得更远,获得更快的技能增长。









入行Salesforce 顾问主要取决于你目前的职位和工作背景。如果你当前所属公司正在使用Salesforce或即将实施Salesforce,你可能有机会进入实施团队。这种属于机缘巧合下,误打误撞学习到部分技能。如果你想转行,则需要自己学习相关技能。有一定的动手实操能力,并拿下相关认证后,可以在招聘网站上筛选岗位。




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